Bound Brook Island represents a long arc of the history of the Outer Cape, including Native Americans who lived on this land for over 5,000 years, descendants of the Puritans who settled here in the 17th century, sea captains who sailed the world in the 18th and 19th centuries, and the artists, architects, literary, and political figures who have frequented the Cape since the early 20th century. Join Merrill Mead-Fox, Co-Chair of Wellfleet’s Historical Commission, and Dwight Estey, former WHSM President to learn some of the stories of the people who lived here, and see the places where these stories took place.
This 2 hour walk will take place on sand roads and a moderately hilly scenic wooded pathway. Please be sure to bring water and wear a hat, sunscreen, and bug spray. Tickets are $20 per person. Free admission for children under 12.
The walk will begin at the Atwood-Higgins House on Bound Brook Island Road. Parking is limited, so please be sure to carpool. You may park along Bound Brook Road on the left hand side leading up to the Atwood-Higgins house. There is also a very small parking lot past the Atwood-Higgins House on the left hand side.
List of locations:
Atwood-Higgins House, 269 Bound Brook Island Rd (1730)
Bound Brook Island School marker (1924)
Joel/Henry Atwood House, 550 Bond Brook Island Rd (1800)
Ben Atwood House, 535 Bound Brook Island Rd (1843)
Baker-Biddle Homestead, 612 Bound Brook Island Rd (1792)